Optimising project development
A District Cooling company was asked to provide services to the rejuvenation of a capital city centre. This major redevelopment was to take place in phases within a substantial but confined site. District Cooling project returns are very sensitive to the timing of capital expenditure and it is essential that no capital expenditure is incurred without a matching customer offtake. Our approach was to plan the installation of cooling capacity very closely to meet the demand from committed customers as the real estate development evolved. This way project returns were maximised and the risks minimised.

Reducing the cost of debt
One of our directors advised a Middle Eastern utility with a substantial capital expenditure program (>$2 billion) over a10-year period. By adopting a competitive tendering approach to appointing syndicate leaders and lead managers for each financing, the terms were progressively improved, eventually achieving very attractive rates and tenures. Comparing the responses from lenders side by side, it was demonstrated that the client had obtained the best terms available in the market.

Successful bid for a $1 billion BOO tender
A global logistics company wished to bid for  a 25-year Build-Own-Operate tender for the modernisation of a country's customs facilities. As the client lacked the necessary resources to prepare the bid within the tight timescale, one of our directors managed a mixed team of outside consultants and client staff that prepared and presented the winning bid. The successful strategy included innovative revenue streams and the introduction of cost-saving information technology.

Case Studies
Some examples of how we add value
Our directors have a wide range of experience in developing, financing and managing projects. The case studies which follow demonstrate the benefits that can be gained from the approach we take.